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22 November 2010


Writers Abroad First Anthology Published

Yes, after months of reading stories from all around the world, written by ex-pat writers we have finalised our first Anthology of Short Stories. This has been an experience on many levels. Not only have we at Writers Abroad learnt a lot more about the craft of writing, we have also expanded our knowledge of the other parts of the process, like editing and publishing. Some of them have been painful lessons and the technological learning curve has been immense, but on the whole it has been one satisfying experience and one which I personally, would do all over again.
Overall we had 66 entries and have selected 29 of the finest stories which all went through a selection and editing process. All the stories are fictional but based on real life experiences as an ex pat. The collection total over 45 thousand words and the images for the front cover were supplied by Writers Abroad members. All of this in support of National Short Story Week which launched today. So pop on over to Writers Abroad and download your own PDF copy for free or flip through the whizzy on line version also available on our home page. 
Sit Back and Enjoy the Read!

Don't Think Just Write

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