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14 December 2009


Don't Think Just Write
Current Work: Trying to find myself again, post NaNoWriMo and NaNoFiMo
Listening to: My Man Friday making a cuppa!
Reading: The Italian Quarter

Monday Blues
Well, I have spent the day in a kind of daze, not really knowing what to do first. It has been really odd not having the pressure of my writing target to reach and it feels almost like I'm missing a part of me. I guess what I should do is start on the next project. Can't be doing with all this 'spare time' on my hands...hah!

Festive Meltdown
I don't like Christmas, well, I don't like all the commercial nonsense that it brings and all that madness and stress associated with one day. So I'm pleased to be here in rural Italy where they have a more sedate way. The decorations have only just gone up in the streets and the supermarkets stocking their shelves (well maybe one) with Xmas goodies. The kids don't break up until the 23rd and go back just after Befana (the real Mother Xmas) on 6th January. Home-made cakes, biscuits and chutneys are preferred to the jazzy wrapping and glitz from M&S and they don't send cards.
Humbug? Me? Nah. I think Christmas is the time for giving, so my money (what little I would have spent on family) is going to buy a goat or two for children and their families who won't know what all the fuss is about.

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