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10 August 2009


Current Work: Editing a short story and non-fiction article for submission, preparing queries for the next two weeks and critiqueing a novel (not mine)
Listening to: The rumbling of thunder - storms are on the way
Reading: When Good Friends Go Bad by Ellie Campbell

So it's Monday and we are busy preparing ourselves for family visit on Friday. Its a very welcome visit as I haven't seen my granddaughter and grandson since last December, so I'm very excited. But that also means that I won't get chance to get my writing tasks completed. So this weeks aim is to get as much prepared as I can so I can just hit the 'send' button and voila! (or eccola! in Italian) it will only take a second. Hmm, things never seem to go that well to plan.

The Power of Image
We are watching the series Band of Brothers - which most of you may know is set in World War II and told from the many perspectives of an American parachute troop. Its been fascinating, entertaining, thrilling (as you know, I'm a bit of a World WarII nerd) but last night was shocking and the most thought provoking of all. The soldiers came across some POW camps as the war ended and the Germans fled. The scenes were... indescribable. It made me think about how you could write down those sort of images. Images which are not sweet, or funny or full of action, nor full of dialogue. You didn't need any of those trimmings. The images were enough and I haven't got them out of my mind all day. So powerful - words can say so much but never as much as an when writing we need to think image first, then words.

Confucius Says (Words of Advice on Writing by Writers)

'Words need to be crafted not sprayed. They need to be fitted together with infinite care.' Norman Cousins
(and I have to admit, I did not know who Norman Cousins was so I Googled him. Cousins was an American journalist and author who advocated for world peace, so very apt considering my blog. Serendipity is a word that comes to mind.)

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