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12 August 2009

Current Work: Still trying to get ahead
Listening to: The squeak of four young kittens wanting something to eat
Reading: A novel for my critique partner

The first full week of the new format and that means a book review. Still trying out new genres under the encouragement of My Man Friday. Since living here, I have read books I would never have considered before. We are also still enjoying our morning chapter translation of Geronimo Stilton which is helping (albeit slowly) our language progress.

Gone to Ground by John Harvey

Genre: Crime
Characters: A policeman, policewoman (and their relevant others) a dead guy and his sister
Plot: A gay lecturer is found beaten to death and the quest is 'whodunnit?'. His ex-lover or the family of a dead woman whose biography he'd been researching.
Setting: Up North, UK
Quick Summary: We read about the struggles of Will the career policeman with two small kids and a wife who wants to go back to work. Then there is Helen, his partner and with whom there is a kind of underlying history which is never spoken about out loud but you hear it nonetheless. Helen gets badly injured whilst going to the rescue of two gay guys being beaten up which leads the investigation into the murder of Stephen up all kinds of path. We learn about Stephens cruel dismissal of his lover who doesn't appear he could hurt a fly, until you learn what others know. Then there is Stephens sister, who is trying to keep it all together and builds a kind of wierd friendship with the neice of the woman that Stephen was researching. Its full of twists and turns and its great to read something which is set in the North of England. Has a homey feel. It's well written from all the characters POV and Harvey writes with a genuine insight. I've not read any of his before, but he's written loads.

Recommendation: Definitely and will try some more...

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