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11 January 2010


Current Work: Well marketing... websites, blogs, Facebook etc.. etc.. etc.
Listening to: Cats and kittens miaowing, its nearly tea time
Reading: Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

You Can Never Do Enough...
Marketing that is. To add to the writing projects, writers must market themselves for if they don't who the hell will? Its a lesson I'm beginning to learn but it doesn't get any easier and chatting with members of Writers Abroad yesterday I realised that I'm not the only one. So that's a little consolation. We all find it hard, most of all to commit the time, but we all know that we must if we want to be recognised as serious writers. So I'm going to finish off updating and refreshing my blogs and websites, make them easier for people to follow and perhaps (by the end of the week) have linked them to Facebook so I can annoy everyone of my friends. And for those nephews and nieces who might be surprised that I have removed you from my list of Facebook 'friends' you still are, my friend of course, but I felt a little overwhelmed by the daily insights to your life. And anyway you didn't want your old crabby aunt knowing everything you were up to did you? But thanks for all the great story ideas, watch this space if you want to know more!! 

Don't Think Just Write

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