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13 January 2010


For Me - Is Essential
As much as I dream of myself as this eccentric author locked away in her tower, scribbling madly away, words falling onto my page... I'm not. Not at all. On Monday I became a little agitated at the end of the day when I realised I'd not achieved much. I wrote in my diary 'just messed about'. Only I can do anything about that so yesterday, I wrote my list of 'to do's, allocated a certain chunk of time to each action and despite the many earth tremors (visit our blog to find out more here) I managed to achieve almost all of my planned activities. And I wrote! So I have to despatch with the dreams and get on with reality. Shame but that's life. A writers life.

Book Review
Patrick Parker's Progress by Mavis Cheek
Well, its not really a book review, because I didn't complete the book. I got about half way through and had been struggling for some time. Now, I used to be one of those readers who pressed on despite my reluctance to. I felt I owed it to the writer to finish what they had started. But now I don't. I will persevere but if it goes on for too long (or as in this case, another book is calling out to be read) I give up. I may go back it, but to be quite frank, I didn't like Patrick Parker, I didn't understand his fascination with bridges (though I'm a keen admirer of the works of Brunel) and I thought he was a bit of an arrogant, little upstart. Gosh, that sounds quite strong, but he really annoyed me and every time I picked up the book I could feel the muscles in my neck tense. So if you have read this book and had a different experience, please let me know and I'll try to pick it up again. If I have nothing else calling that is...

Don't Think Just Write

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