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14 September 2009


Current Work: Everything!
Listening to: The gremlin on my shoulder shouting 'do something!'
Reading: The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury

Never seems enough time...

Well there doesn't does there? I was reading the latest edition of Writing Magazine over the weekend. Lorraine Mace is an expat writer who has offered me some sound advice in the past and this time she was writing about her 'to do' list. She has this wonderful techie hubby who has worked out how much time she needs, when she needs to do what and has even given her an afternoon off! How cool is that? Can you knit me one Lorraine please? Not that my Man Friday is lacking in supporting a struggling writer, but he rolls his eyes in the air and lets out a long, slow sigh when I talk of diaries and planners. So I've just made a long list of all I want to get done this week (and there is probably more) and have started allocating it to days and hours I have available. Hope there is a bit of time 'out' but then that's what I probably spend most of my time doing! Talking about it instead of getting on with it!!

Confucius says....

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done. ~Author Unknown
Tee Hee Hee....

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