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5 March 2010


Has Been a Good One
I've dedicated most of  March to my fiction projects and I'm hoping that as the saying goes for the month that 'it comes in as quiet as a lamb and goes out with the roar of a lion.' So this week I have finally finished the first draft of The Good Life. This story is loosely based on our trials and tribulations which led to our first year here as residents of Italy. It has been co-written with my Man Friday and although has taken us some time and may never see the light of a publication, it provides us with many giggles. So it's a kind of therapeutic thing. I've also started work on a new fairy story having found loads of information about Italian fairies and maybe think I've been bewitched! Having completed my submission for the Writing Magazine Ghost story as this weeks short story target, my fingers are now itching to start on my third novel based in Saxon Times.
But it's not all been fiction. I have just published an article on International Women's Day on Suite 101 and have produced my first book review On Writing by Stephen King on my new blog/website for Louise Charles - my fiction face. All entries on this site can be accessed via the panel on the right, as well as a the feed for Writers Abroad

Following my grey day on Wednesday, today is bright, but only because we've had about 4" of snow. Roll on Springtime...

He looks a little like our Bertie... the lion that is, not the lamb. And Bertie is a dog, not a lion... time for that G&T methinks...

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