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12 June 2009


Current Work: Admin, Queries management, general tidying up
Listening to: Bertie (the dog) sighing - he's waiting for a walk
Reading: Not sure what next, just finished a Scarpetta novel

Agent Hunting
Don't you just love that word? Serendipity? When I first heard someone use it I thought 'how pretentious!' but now I use it quite a lot. So why I am referring to it today? Well, as you know I have finished my novel, polished my manuscript and exercised my marketing skills to 'sell' my book (it feels as if it is my soul). Anway I digress as usual, but I emailed a writer friend to let her know how I was going on. My friend occupies the revered position of published writer and she offered to have a chat with her agent. And the agent agreed to have a look at my manuscript!! I know nothing is for certain in this life and I know that I am probably heading for a big fall. But, all the same, if feels pretty scary yet exciting. At least its a step forward...Cripes!

Three Cheers for...

  • Revisited the Work in Progress - The Good Life with my Man Friday and have re-energised our plan - wrote about 700 words.
  • Worked on a short story for submission - one that I'd submitted and had feedback to hope to get it off next week
  • Developed a Writers CV, synopsis for All Will Be Well and submitted it to an agent!!
  • Submitted latest Suite 101 article - King John of England - as its the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta this week
  • Had a feature accepted for Writers Forum on my experience as a First Time Novelist
  • Agreed approach with Writing Group and shared my first piece for feedback. We're looking for a name -any suggestions welcome.

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